Long Sword Hilts



The above is a photo of our Fiori type longsword in a gray finish with a brown stained maple grip and flamberge blade. This is similar to the swords depicted in the treatise by Fiore dei Liberi entitled Fior di Battaglia (‘Flower of Battle’, also known as Flos Duellatorum) of 1410. Blade blanks for use with rubber blunts are 54 1/2 inches long overall. Stock blades are therefore available in lengths up to 43 inches with an 11 1/2 inch tang or 42 inches with a 12 1/2 inch tang and so on. This design dates back as far as the 14th century and possibly earlier. Our hilt has an 11 3/4 inch long cross guard, and two, one, or no open side rings. The example depicted has both rings. The side rings measures 3 inches long by 2 inches wide. The pommel weighs 16 ounces and is pear shaped. Custom disk pommels are also available. This hilt is available on our Alchem flat tang longsword blade and a shorter version with a 20mm diameter rounded tip for HEMA and SCA armored rebated steel combat. The point of balance is about 3 inches ahead of the guard, depending somewhat on blade and grip length.

Additional information

Weight 3.5 lbs
Dimensions 48.5 × 7 × 7 in
Hilt finish

Black, Gray

Grip finish

Brown, Custom

Guard shape

Straight, Curved

Side Rings

Both side rings, One side ring, No side rings

Blade type

Longsword blade – $275, Flamberge longsword blade – $325

Blade tip

Standard rounded tip, 20mm rounded tip

Blade Length 38" - 43"
Grip length 8" - 8"